Advent & Christmas
December 1: Service of Hope & Light | 3pm
This candle-lighting service offers hope and healing to those who are suffering from the loss of loved one.
December 7: Breakfast with Santa | 8:30 & 10am
Feast on a scrumptious breakfast, visit with Santa and discover the true meaning of Christmas.
Click here to reserve your spot!
December 8: ECHOing the Holidays | 6pm
White Tie Rock Ensemble will join the Emerald Coast Honors Orchestra (ECHO) for an incredible Christmas performance.
Admission is an unwrapped toy. All toys will be shared with local families in nee
December 20: Students Christmas Party (6-12th ) | 5:30pm
Christmas Eve
Upcoming Events
December 24
All Services will bring special music, an inspiring message and end with a candle-lighting ceremony.
3pm | Children's Short Interactive Service | Sanctuary
4:30pm & 6pm | Traditional Candlelight | Sanctuary
11pm | Communion Candlelight | Chapel